We are well into the Wano Kingdom Arc now. Straw Hats have invaded the Wano, the land of Samurai. For 20 years, the land has been under the rule of an Evil Shogun, Orochi. He is backed by one of the Emperors of the Sea “Kaido” who lives with his crew “Beast Pirates” at a nearby Island “Onigashima”. Straw Hats first met the Samurai “Kinemon” at Punk Hazard. The captain of Heart Pirates “Trafalgar Law”, along with Straw Hats, have teamed up with the samurai to take down Kaido. They have scrambled the local troops that are eager to take the country back. Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance has gathered over 5000 fighters that are about to surprise the Beast Pirates.
One Piece 984: New Release Date
The Manga will have a break after Chapter 983. The next chapter “984” will be released on July 5, 2020. The latest chapters of most of the popular manga can be read on the manga plus site of VIZ. You can find them as soon as they are released on this official site. One Piece is going on a break due to the author, Eiichiro Oda. As we know, the One Piece manga has gone on for decades now. Oda used to take no breaks in the starting years. However, he has been taking regular breaks for the last few years. The Weekly Shonen Jump Magazine does not mind the fact that the author needs time to relax sometimes. One Piece 984 Spoilers are not yet out, we will update the spoilers right here as soon as they are released.
What is going to Happen at Wano in One Piece?
The Alliance against Kaido has invaded deep into his land. Orochi had a spy in the Samurai, the painter “Kanjuro” who deliberately wanted to sink all ships of the Alliance before they take off. Kaido and Orochi have no idea about the size of this force. It was reported from the prison that everything is under control. However, thousands of Prisoners loyal to Momonosuke have escaped and head toward Onigashima. Beast Pirates are celebrating the Fire Festival having no idea what is about to happen.
Even with the surprise attack, the balance of power is toward the Yonko. He commands a crew of strong beasts that have all gathered for Fire Festival. The Flying Six, The All-Stars, they are all here. Also, even if Luffy trained his Haki to become more potent, there is no way he can surpass a Yonko at this point. There is Big Mom at the Fire Festival as well. Taking on two Yonko who want to ally is not going to be easy. Marco from the WhiteBeard pirates has made an appearance. He is one of the guys who is the biggest Ally of Luffy at this point. Marco doesn’t have any other crew members with him. However, he was the strongest man under WhiteBeard. I am sure, Marco can take on the All-Stars and one of the Yonko with decent strength. So, What do the Straw Hats do now? They may have gathered an impressive force but Beast Pirates have the advantage. Unless Shanks shows up at Onigashima (which is not very probable), I don’t think they can take down the whole crew of Beast Pirates. Straw Hats have trained to never lose. But if this turns out like Saboady, what will be left for them? I hope you liked this article. What are your thoughts about the Wano arc? Do let me know in the comments.