Luffy, along with Zoro and a female Samurai from Wano set out to save Tama. At the town center, she is held, hostage. Heldom has her in the lion’s mouth on his belly. Meanwhile, Law has also made a move towards the scene. The plan was to stay low in the Wano before the forces are scrambled. But Luffy has caused quite the Havoc now. The Release Date of Chapter 918 is September 22, 2018.


Luffy hit the Heldom with the Red Hawk which will free up Tama. Luffy will try to get out of the scene as the rest of Beast Pirates are attacking them. One of the headliners of Beast Pirates who is a part-horse is tamed by Tama’s ability. Luffy escapes from the scene along with Tama. Zoro has taken charge of food that was passing through the town. He wants to give it to the Leftover town Elsewhere, Law tries to keep Hawkins from reaching Luffy as it would cause a large scales problem. It is probably late as things have already escalated. A big fight is coming. Luffy has made a great gesture by promising Tama that when he leaves Wano, They will never have any food shortage in this country.

One Piece 918   Release Date and Spoilers - 6